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When Saint Goes Marching In
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When Saint Goes Marching In
By Tiana Laveen
Copyright © 2012 by Tiana Laveen
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotes embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Cover design by Shelley and Jerry Drury
Editing by Natalie G. Owens
July 2012
First Edition
Her tears became mine, intertwined, intricately designed and refined like the most perfectly aged wine, only one that tastes bitter going down.
I would never harm a hair on her head, instead, I’ve been misunderstood, misread. I’d rather be dead than lose her trust, and in her sorrow I now drown.
Doesn’t she realize how much I love her? – that my heartbeat is now cloudy blue, stormy from lies and untruths.
She is my Queen, my love, my all. For her, I took a bullet, I’d give it all. For her, I’d never draw another breath if it meant I could save her from death. She no longer wants me, but to my heart, she has the only key.
Your taking your love away is…killing me…
“You’re going too fast,” Saint said as he leaned lazily against the doorframe, and intermittently stared down at his crystal and black onyx Rolex.
The rustling of the thick, cream, fifteen-hundred count sheets began again. Tom peered over his pale, freckled shoulder at Saint. Sweat covered his face as strands of long, dark brown hair dripped with perspiration. He panted, out of breath, swallowed his saliva and gave himself a minute to recuperate after briefly closing his bright blue eyes. Saint walked casually over to the bed and handed him the glass of ice water that sat on his antique, walnut, gold-accented nightstand.
“But she likes it like this,” Tom finally uttered while holding onto his wife’s dark coffee ankles.
Saint walked back over to their bedroom door.
“Cree, do you like it when Tom starts jack hammering you with little to no foreplay?” Saint asked nonchalantly as he adjusted his dark gray Boss Pasolini suit jacket cuff.
“No, not really.” Cree answered, her voice creaking with nervousness. “Well, sometimes it’s OK.”
Cree rolled her eyes as her head fell back on the pillow, guilt seizing her whole. Her tiny, slick, dark brown curls framed her heart-shaped face, accentuating her large dark brown eyes and small, but pouty lips. She reminded Saint of an angelic Kewpie Doll.
Tom lowered his head. “I knew this would be awkward,” he looked back over at Saint. “But we called you here for a reason.”
Saint nodded and walked back over to their bed. He looked down at them and cocked his head to the side as he rubbed his chin and deliberated.
“This doesn’t look comfortable. Cree, I want you to completely let go of Tom. Tom withdraw from her and stand next to me.”
Tom rose from his wife, pulled out of her and hesitantly stood next to Saint. He wiped the sweat off his face with his arm as he waited for Saint’s next set of instructions. Saint looked down at Cree’s thin body. He looked at her lips, her long, graceful neck with the black leather choker adorning it, her small, perky breasts and narrow hips. Saint’s eyes took notice of her clean shaven pubic area and her long, shapely legs and feet, toenails painted bright pink.
“Tom, look at your wife.” Saint instructed. “Look at her lips. Look at how beautiful they are. They are a natural, dark plum color, and look at how their shaped. Look at her eyes, dreamy even when she isn’t trying. She has a beautiful neck. Pay attention to all the parts of her that have nothing to do with her breasts, butt and vagina. You want to focus on those things first, especially since you called me because you and she are having problems in the bedroom. She isn’t having orgasms, which makes you dissatisfied. If the Queen isn’t happy, Tom, then no one is happy.”
Tom nodded in agreement.
Saint unwrapped the brand new dildo he brought with him. He instructed Tom to sit in between Cree’s shaking legs. Saint put his knee on the bed and leaned forward.
“You’re nervous?” Saint asked, his eyebrow slightly raised.
Cree nodded.
“No need to be. Just pretend like I’m not here, like I’m just a recording. Tom, listen to me very closely.” Saint peered into Tom’s eyes. “Slowly place the tip of the dildo on her vulva, not inside her vagina, just right outside the entrance.”
Tom opened Cree’s legs further and did as Saint instructed.
“You need to tease her. When it’s time for penetration, tease her. Don’t just stick it straight in all the time. You want to vary the performances. Make it exciting. Quickies are OK at times; sometimes that may be all you have time for, especially with your busy schedule as a surgeon and Cree’s modeling career, but it shouldn’t be like that all the time and your partner should never be sure what you’re going to do, each and every time you make love to her.” Saint looked at Tom then back down at Cree’s moist opening. “See that? The more you tease, the more excited she gets. Watch her facial expressions closely. Watch her skin change color. Pay attention to her breathing, it’s accelerating. Look at her toes curl, look at her nipples, they’re hard now and you didn’t touch them. Those are all signs of sexual excitement.”
Cree’s eyes were closed and she bit her bottom lip. “Keep bumping the head of the dildo against her vaginal lips. Rub it up and down, up and down, play with her clit while you do it. There are all sorts of things you can do before you go inside. You want her practically begging for it,” Saint said. “Now insert the dildo inside Cree.” Tom did, making her moan and gurgle. “Go slow. Make her desire to feel it, make her want it. Save the hammering for the end.” Saint watched Tom move the dildo in and out of his wife, rotated it, twisted it around in circles.
“But she usually tells me to do it harder. That’s why I’m confused,” Tom said weakly.
“She’s telling you to do it harder so early, Tom, because you didn’t warm her up well enough first, so she’s trying to figure out what would make her more excited. She’s overcompensating. You noticed that after you do it harder, she still isn’t achieving an orgasm so it’s not working, is it? You need to go down on her longer, too. I timed you. It was only about four minutes. That’s not long enough. It should be at least double that, at the very least,” Saint explained as Tom continued to move the dildo in and out of Cree slowly. “And it’s not just about timing, it’s about quality, too. Your technique is OK but I’ve included my Oral Sex Tips pamphlet for you to go over later,” Saint said as he tapped a thoughtful finger on his lips.
“Vary how you move inside her. You’re in pretty good shape, Tom, so you should be able to practice and keep up. Follow the steps on the DVD I brought for you today but you want to move your hips and waist around more. Don’t just go in and out and that’s it. She has hundreds of nerve endings inside there. Mix it up. Twist inside, do circles, rise up and hit her clit with each thrust. Vary your speeds throughout the entire process. If she is getting very aroused, go slower. Pay attention to her signals. If her face is expressionless and she’s not saying anything, then she isn’t enjoying it. Ask her if she likes it.” Saint shifted his attention to the woman. “Cree, you need to start being honest with Tom. He can’t read your mind. Say what you want. If you don’t like something, speak up. If you want more of something else he cheated you on, say so. This is your marriage, this is your sex life, it’s important that you both
communicate effectively. This won’t work unless you encourage each other and talk.”
Saint pointed to the dildo. “Now, I want you to keep using that on her. Don’t use your penis because you’ll do what you’ve been doing, pounding her and coming too fast. Use this on her for at least five minutes first.”
Tom nodded and dutifully moved the dildo in and out of Cree. Saint suppressed a pending yawn and snuck a look at his watch again.
“You see the difference in how she responds?” Saint asked as he walked closer but still keeping a safe distance.
“Yes,” Tom said as he stared intensely at his Queen, watching her body quake as he moved the dildo around slowly.
“Now take it out of her and put your dick back inside her, and move it the same way.” Saint slid a piece of gum out of his pocket, quickly unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth. He leisurely walked back up to the bed and stood behind Tom. “Slow down. That’s much better. Move so slow you almost feel like you’re not moving at all.” Saint instructed. “And really, unless it’s anal sex, you shouldn’t need any lube, or very little of it. And that should only be if intercourse has been going on for a while. That’s the first thing that should let you know she isn’t warmed up enough. Unless she has a medical condition that causes dryness, she’s not excited enough for intercourse yet. You were buying so much KY jelly you should’ve bought stock in that shit.” Saint stifled his laughter as he recalled the inside of Tom’s nightstand drawer. Four large, half full bottles of various varieties of lubricants were inside. “A woman’s body will tell you a lot of what you need to know, if you take the time to watch it and feel what it’s doing.”
Tom slowed his movements and did as he was taught.
“Now stop right there, lift yourself up about five inches, just leave a little bit in, the very tip. Good, now move down, twist all the way back inside, about ninety degrees to the left then switch sides on your next thrust. It’s like a dance, Tom. You need to have rhythm. Hit those walls while moving your hips, brush up against her clitoris every time you push all the way inside, back up, twist, rise up, go back, hit that clit, repeat. Now, every two or three thrusts, go deep down and low, touch that G-Spot by angling your body. Yes, just like that.” Saint pushed his gum to the far left side of his mouth and crossed his arms over his chest. “Perfect, you got it man.”
Tom’s face lit up as Cree dug her fingernails in the sheets while her orgasm, the first in over six months, began to work its way up her spine and down to her pulsating pussy.
“She’s getting ready to come,” Saint said as he observed her from the corner of his eye. “Now you want to hit her clit more. The next thrusts, push into her clit harder and faster – her body will tell you when to speed up. The woman is always in the lead, regardless if the man is on top or not. We have to follow her lead when we are trying to give her an orgasm. If she speeds up, you speed up, but just a little – you always want to maintain what you’re doing to get her going in the first place until she tells you to move faster or you know her well enough sexually to sense what she wants. If she slows down, you slow down, just a little, even if you don’t want to. If it’s cumbersome, use your hand to rub her clit but get to it, and get to it quickly.”
Tom eagerly executed Saint’s instructions. Saint popped his gum and gazed briefly out the window. He looked back at Cree, watched her expression as that “O face” took over. She screamed out as she lost complete control. “Tom, don’t stop. Keep moving, this is the time to move faster, how you like it, do it now!” Saint yelled. Tom thrust deeply in and out of Cree, smacking into her with all his might.
“Tom, don’t come,” Saint warned sternly as he watched Tom’s eyes roll in the back of his head. “Practice self-control. Concentrate on her pleasure. Just because you feel it bubbling up, doesn’t mean it’s too late yet. Redirect, slow down a bit if you have to, but don’t stop moving. Think of something else if need be. In your case, turn away from her. You’re getting excited by seeing her like that but it’s going to make you come too fast again.
“It’s the noise, too!” Tom pressed his eyes firmly closed. “It’s how she sounds, the moans.”
“I understand but you’ll have to get through it. Let her go first. Ladies first. It takes them longer than us to come and many men need a longer period of time in between erections. Never stop completely, it could mess up the intensity of her orgasm.” Tom looked away from Cree as she visibly quaked, panted and moaned. The orgasm hit her hard. “That was vaginal and clitoral. That is what you’re aiming for. You want her to have both, preferably at the same time or back to back with little space in between. OK, once she is at the end of her orgasm, then you can go, Tom.”
Tom began to thrust quickly in and out of his wife again, eager to climax. Soon, he shook violently, his suppressed orgasm finally out of the gate. “Now even your orgasm was better because of the build-up. It was more powerful and that is why waiting is not just helpful to the woman, but to you as well. Also, if she likes how you sound when you come, lower your face close to her ear so she can hear you make those noises that turn her on, too.”
Tom and Cree smiled and kissed one another as his orgasm subsided. Saint sat down and waited for Tom and Cree to get dressed.
“Dr. Aknaten, thank you so much for coming out and helping my wife and I,” Tom said as he looked at Saint with appreciation. “We know how busy you are and we were so happy to hear that you were willing to make a house call, like you said you used to do in New York.”
“Well, I’ve been working with you and Cree for a while on the phone; it was time for a bedroom visit. I appreciate you asking me for help and for understanding the importance of being able to please your Goddess. If you have any questions, give me a call or email me. I’m sorry but I do need to get going.” Saint stood up from his chair and made his way towards the bedroom door.
“Wait! Let me write out your check,” Tom said as he got ready to leave the bedroom.
“You can give it to me later; I’m in a bit of a hurry.”
“Your check will be in the mail then. You can come to my office tomorrow and pick it up if you wish.”
Saint grabbed his laptop bag. “Just mail it. That’s fine. Look, call me later. You two take care.”
Cree waved happily as Tom walked Saint to his front door.
“Thanks again.” He said partially out of breath.
“No problem.” Saint bent down and whispered in Tom’s ear. “If you want another round, right after I leave would be a great time. Trust me, she’s ready. She’ll come again, stronger.”
Tom nodded excitedly, smiled and patted Saint on the back. “Will do. I better get to it then. Thank you, Saint. I sure wish you still had your private practice. You’ve helped us so much it saddens me that your work schedule is now so busy I may not be able to get any counseling like this for a long while.”
Saint opened the front door to the expansive mansion. “Duty calls and with the new projects I have there just isn’t any time at all. You know how my schedule is and of course your secret is safe with me. I would never tell the brothers that I am working with you and Cree. Besides, it may be seen as a sign of disrespect since I’ve seen her without clothing. You know our creed, our rules. Some people still don’t understand that when I’m in doctor mode, it’s strictly professional. There is no sexual arousal going on. Anyway, one day, when I’m older, I’ll get back to the private practice but for now, we have too much work to do.”
The men said their final goodbyes. Saint walked briskly to his silver Lamborghini and hopped inside. He hit the Bluetooth button on his car dashboard and sped down the street.
“James, I will be approximately twelve minutes late for today’s meeting. I apologize. I had a…meeting and we ran a bit over on time,” Saint explained as he made his way to the downtown L.A. office building.
“You’re never late so I’ll excuse this. Thank you for letting me know. Get here as soon as you can. Your seat will be waiting.” James hung
up the phone. By now, the White Knights of the Round Table would have begun to gather in the conference room at their new headquarters.
Saint pressed another button and waited as the phone rang.
“Hello,” Xenia said, while the sounds of their youngest child whining in the background muffled her voice.
“Baby, it’s me. What’s going on?” Saint asked while he switched gears on the stick shift as he approached a red light.
“Nothing, just me and the boys in a three-ring circus. They are running wild,” Xenia laughed. “I’m supposed to do an interview tonight though. You promised to be home by eight.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m trying to make good on that. How are my little princes doing? Did Hassani get his room cleaned up? I told him to pick those toys up this morning,” Saint said sternly.
“Saint, he’s only four, for goodness sake.”
“Four and a half, as he is always quick to remind us,” Saint corrected.
“He did the best he could, I suppose.”
Saint envisioned Xenia’s smile and could picture her walking to the kitchen, carrying their son Dakarai on her hip. The sound of his baby boy’s voice reached him through the line, happy and bubbly.
“You’re too soft on him, Xenia.” Saint got onto the expressway. “He’s going to walk all over you when he gets older. I’m tired of playing good cop bad cop with him. He knows what he’s doing, trust me.”
Xenia laughed. “Yeah, because he is just like you. You have it in for him, I swear.”
“He is just like me, a carbon copy. That’s how I know what he’s up to. You know what I’m saying, Xenia.” Saint’s thoughts briefly drifted to the fact that Hassani was conceived on the very day that his parents were scheduled to die.
“I know, Saint. That is why I baby him so much.” She hesitated. “He’s different. I don’t want him to feel awkward. You had such a hard time with it, especially as a little kid. I’m his mother. If he can’t feel OK with me, then who can he trust?”